The increase in disposable income has led to an increase in family holidays. In Europe they are increasing considerably, thus raising the demand for 4-person tents.

With the growing number of glampings and the related durable and semi-permanent housing solutions, in 2019 the market was able to attract more and more consumers/users of glamorous camping stays. The market niche is characterized by the search for comfort and a considerable amount of complementary activities and services. Safari tents, tree houses, yurts and pods are the most common forms of accommodation because they can easily accommodate families and allow for generous living areas, with open spaces and designer furniture items, to enjoy the experience to the fullest, with fun and convenience.

With the increasingly invasive presence of technology in our lives, outdoor activities have drastically reduced even among children. This is pushing to rediscover the time to devote to the exploration of nature, thus stimulating the demand for glamping especially among young families who have small children who otherwise could not take part in outdoor playful activities. Furthermore, stressful life in our cities is driving the demand for weekend getaways for urban campers.


  • Easyglamping - Tent

Glamping for families

The increase in disposable income has led to an increase in family holidays. In Europe they are increasing considerably, thus raising the demand for 4-person tents. With [...]

  • Easyglamping Interno Bubble Dome

Glamping industry overview

Glamping is a growing industry. Companies operating in the Glamping sector continually seek to improve comfort levels in line with the changing needs of consumers. The addition of [...]

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